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  • Chris Burman-Day MSc

A Cotswolds Adventure Triathlon - 300km of ride, run, paddle; DONE!

Twelve months ago, I sparked an idea that came to fruition yesterday afternoon. To complete a circular adventure challenge of the Cotswolds. Some 300km roughly, cycling, running and kayaking, including running the 102-mile length of the Cotswold Way. Why?

1. Because I wanted to prove I could 2. To raise money and publicity for a great cause 3. To motivate others to get out and be active themselves

I had never intended this challenge to become the behemoth it did. Keeping it simple was the original plan, but as with all things such as this it grew legs and kept going. While it’s fair to say that in the build up, the way the challenge was growing in logistics was somewhat at conflict with my original idea, I cannot express how humbled and happy I am at how it did grow and the swell of support, I owe a lot of people a lot of thanks.

Such endeavors are selfish, of course I know that, and that in part makes the growing support and help I received from friends, family and in some cases on route total strangers, even more humbling.

I set out to raise money for The Children's Society; as a father it’s amazing to see my own children grow and develop, in a secure and loving environment, where they are encouraged to push themselves, to try new things, to make mistakes and learn – not all children sadly have the same opportunities in life or the same support and The Children’s Society provide valuable services to help less fortunate children, the future of our society and communities. I’m stoked to have been able to both raise (exceed) the fundraising goal for them but to have also secured additional publicity and media coverage for this great cause.

Pushing our minds and bodies to the limit is not something that comes easy to most of us. But if we set goal, plan the process and build up to it, we can all achieve our personal goals, goals which are different for all of us. Whether it’s a first 5k or climbing Everest, we can all do so much more than we think. Everyone reading this, you; can get up and do something you currently think impossible – being active, being outside, pushing yourself, rocks.

Thank you so much to everyone – Paul Smith at Rock and Water Adventures and the guys at Pyranha Kayaks for the kit and support for the kayak leg (The P&H Custom Sea Kayaks was awesome), my support crew, friends and family who met me at various points and rode, ran, hobbled, walked, kayaked with me. The hugs, the sarcastic comments, it all helped soooo much. Rhyannon Emma Chetwynd Jarvis Bryony (You Rock Star) Tasker Mum + Dad Matt Shipp Andrew Ferguson James Hosken Samantha Hosken Hannah Butcher Jamie Davies Dominic Crawford Carly Jack Walker Chloe Tipper Ben Moppett Paul Greenwood

And the many many others that turned up to cheer me on, sent me messages and who donated ££££ sorry too many to name everyone …………………..Your amazing support and donations helped raise over £1,200.00 for The Children's Society.

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